Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What to do with the almond pulp?

It's seems like a shame it get rid of the almonds leftover from making almond milk, so I've been experimenting with ways to use it. But first, this is what I do with it:

1. After the all the almond juice has been squeezed out, I spread the almond pulp out on to cookie sheets, try not to have more than 1/2 inch or so.
2. Place in 170 F oven until dry. About every 1/2 hour, I gather it all into the center of the cookie sheet with a spatula and mix it a bit then spread it back out to ensure it all dries relatively evenly.
3. Place in a container and store in the frig.

If I'm going to use it in a recipe, I sift it first, most of it will go through, but there will be some bits left, probably. I learned the hard way not to try to grind it in a coffee grinder, it turns to almond butter and clogs the grinder! Aaaggghhh!

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